Ccminer cryptonight.exe


Apr 27, 2018 · This miner is forked from tsiv/ccminer-cryptonight which is a fork of tpruvot miner. It is modded and optimized to get the maximum performance out of NVIDIA GPUs. The latest release of this miner supports Cryptonight V3, V7 and V8.

We're sorry but pool-frontend-new doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to continue. I'm using an old card. 660ti. Compute 3.0 capability Hashrate differs greatly when I do a benchmark with the same launch config. Hashrate on >v2.0 --> ~68H/s C:\New folder>ccminer --version *** ccminer-cryptonight 2.00 (64 bit) for nVidi CCminer имеет интерфейс командной строки.

Ccminer cryptonight.exe

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Users: 15: Computers: 0: Different versions: 0 : Total Keys: 8: Total Clicks: 61: Total Usage: 8 hours, 41 minutes, 14 seconds : Average Usage: 34 minutes, 45 seconds ECHO 1. ccMiner KlausT -CryptoNight: ECHO 2. ccMiner Tpruvot: ECHO. ECHO. ECHO 3. GOTO MAIN MENU: CHOICE /C 123 /M " Enter your choice: set /a " M_CRYPTONIGHT = %ERRORLEVEL% " IF /I ' %M_CRYPTONIGHT% ' == '1' (GOTO MINER_ccMINER-KlausT-CN ) IF /I ' %M_CRYPTONIGHT% ' == '2' (SET MINER = %TPRUVOT% SET MINER_NAME = ccMiner … [2016-12-20 16:10:52] [INFO] [MinersDownloader] bin/ccminer_cryptonight.exe [2016-12-20 16:10:53] [INFO] [MinersDownloader] bin/ccminer_decred.exe [2016-12-20 16:10:54] [INFO] [MinersDownloader] bin/ccminer… ccminer-cryptonight.exe -a monero -o stratum+tcp:// -u WALLET -p PASSWORD -d 0 Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть Спойлер: Список параметров конфигурации C:\New folder>ccminer-cryptonight.exe --version *** ccminer-cryptonight 1.03 (64 bit) for nVidia GPUs by tsiv and KlausT *** Built with Visual Studio 2013 using the Nvidia CUDA Toolkit 8.0 tsiv's BTC donation address: 1JHDKp59t1RhHFXsTw2UQpR3F9BBz3R3cs KlausT's BTC donation address: 1QHH2dibyYL5iyMDk3UN4PVvFVtrWD8QKp for more donation addresses please read the README.txt ----- ccminer-cryptonight 1.03 libcurl/7.50.1-DEV WinSSL WinIDN C:\New folder>ccminer-cryptonight.exe … 2/12/2021 ccminer-cryptonight.exe (10.17 MB) ccminer-x64.exe (14.11 MB) ccminer-xzc-x64.exe (28.08 MB) EthDcrMiner64Etc.exe (3.78 MB) EthDcrMiner64Etc.exe (3.94 MB) NsGpuCNMiner.exe (4.48 MB) scpz9.exe (4.29 MB) powercore-main-g.exe (628.00 KB) miner.exe (312.50 KB) miner-zh.exe (1.52 MB) gminer-zh.exe (60.02 MB) lolMiner.exe (4.45 MB) nbminer-grin.exe (20.69 MB) 8/6/2015 We're sorry but pool-frontend-new doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to continue.

CCMiner means Crypto Currency Miner and is an open source software that is designed specifically for CUDA compatible NVIDIA GPUs. This software is available and runs on both Linux as well as Windows.

Stellit – XTL. Stellit to nowa moneta CryptoNote i pierwsza, która integruje IPFS i ZeroNet z blockchain. Omówiliśmy już wystarczająco dużo szczegółów na temat Stellity i jego specyfikacji. \ccminer_cryptonight.exe Unicode based on Memory/File Scan (NiceHashMiner.exe.bin) \ccminer_decred.exe - 1070: 2075/4201 MHz - 685H/s d'après ccminer/tpruvot - 1060: 1936/4303 MHz - 505H/s d'après ccminer/tpruvot Sur nanopool, faut regarder la moyenne sur 6H … Это супрнова лажает. Народ на нее щемится, видит, что висит всё и бежит сломя голову на следующий пул.

May 20, 2018 · CCMiner means Crypto Currency Miner and is an open source software that is designed specifically for CUDA compatible NVIDIA GPUs. This software is available and runs on both Linux as well as Windows.

Ccminer cryptonight.exe

Download, discussion, pool settings: Zcash, Bitcoin Gold, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, Bytecoin, Monero, Monero-Classic, DigitalNote, Aeon coin, GRIN Apr 27, 2018 · This miner is forked from tsiv/ccminer-cryptonight which is a fork of tpruvot miner. It is modded and optimized to get the maximum performance out of NVIDIA GPUs. The latest release of this miner supports Cryptonight V3, V7 and V8. May 20, 2018 · CCMiner means Crypto Currency Miner and is an open source software that is designed specifically for CUDA compatible NVIDIA GPUs.

ccMiner KlausT -CryptoNight: ECHO 2. ccMiner Tpruvot: ECHO. ECHO.

PS: This windows binary was built from cryptonight branch with CUDA 9.0. Feb 3, 2018 ccminer.exe application error - does anyone know how to fix this?? Reinstall your video driver. It could also be a memory leak and you can workaround by  Apr 27, 2018 Monero and some other CryptoNote coins have already forked their algorithm to CryptoNightv7. If you are looking for NVIDIA ccminer that  May 20, 2018 The sample config file looks something like this.

PS: This windows binary was built from cryptonight branch with CUDA 9.0. Feb 3, 2018 ccminer.exe application error - does anyone know how to fix this?? Reinstall your video driver. It could also be a memory leak and you can workaround by  Apr 27, 2018 Monero and some other CryptoNote coins have already forked their algorithm to CryptoNightv7. If you are looking for NVIDIA ccminer that  May 20, 2018 The sample config file looks something like this. ccminer.exe –a x17 –o –u – u

3MH/s @ 285W 4. GTX 1080 Ti; GTX 1070. biostar tb250 btc pro won t boot I don't find the NVidia any easier to set up or run 10 x EVGA 1070's +2 x 1080 TI between 2 other systems except the fact that AMD 580 need to have Jun 27, 2017 · … Bonjour à tous Hier j avais une gtx970 avec driver nvidia, aujourd'hui j ai installer un RX480 8giga nitro+ oc avec crimson 16.9.2: Pas de probleme avec un usage normale de windows 7 64 ni avec un programme de minage de coin comme ethminer a du 25Mhz là Compiled with CUDA 6.0 for compute 2.0/3.0/3.5/5.0, cuda runtime included in the zip. Minor update, cleaned up the compute 2.0 version a bit and included Wolf's keccak implementation. Download, discussion, pool settings: Zcash, Bitcoin Gold, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, Bytecoin, Monero, Monero-Classic, DigitalNote, Aeon coin, GRIN Apr 27, 2018 · This miner is forked from tsiv/ccminer-cryptonight which is a fork of tpruvot miner.

/fo TABLE 2>nul | find /I /N "SnakeTail.exe" > nul 2>&1 if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="1" start /min . EXE from infected computers. bitcoin cpuminer cryptocurrency install monero linux This tutorial shows how to use CCMiner for Cryptonight algo in Minergate. 2019年4月8日 示例配置文件看起来像这样。 ccminer.exe -a x17 -o -u -p … cryptonight(MEM / 2)cryptonight XMR cryptonight c11 /亚麻X11变体decred  Example: ccminer -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS -p x.

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Feb 4, 2019 ccminer-x64.exe -a x17 -o stratum+tcp:// -u DSqoG… -p X cpuminer -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp:// -u.

Народ на нее щемится, видит, что висит всё и бежит сломя голову на следующий пул. Качни сверху, я прилепил 1,02 версию. Попробуй на ней непомогло версия 1.02 вообще на 2х виндах незапускаеться. [2016-09-06 12:14:24] [INFO] [BENCHMARK] Trying to kill benchmark process bin\ccminer_cryptonight.exe algorithm cryptonight [2016-09-06 12:14:24] [INFO] [BENCHMARK is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. ccminer-cryptonight-302-x64에러 질문입니다. graft채굴하려고 ccminer-cryptonight-302-x64설치하여 오버클럭 하나도 안하고, 전력제한만 60%걸어뒀는데 에러가 뜹니다.

ccminer는 nvidia. sgminer는 amd 입니다. 멀티알고리즘 지원하는 마이너프로그램들 이고, 돈 생각안하고(전기, 기기값)기분에 따라서 다양한거 캐고싶으면 1080ti. 바로 아래급으로 돈 여유있고, 모네로쪽 알고리즘 변경된 거 캐고싶으시면vega 56. 64(모네로,sumo, bbs등)

/fo TABLE 2>nul | find /I /N "SnakeTail.exe" > nul 2>&1 if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="1" start /min . EXE from infected computers. bitcoin cpuminer cryptocurrency install monero linux This tutorial shows how to use CCMiner for Cryptonight algo in Minergate.

- 1070: 2075/4201 MHz - 685H/s d'après ccminer/tpruvot - 1060: 1936/4303 MHz - 505H/s d'après ccminer/tpruvot Sur nanopool, faut regarder la moyenne sur 6H pour voir si c'est correct. Je te dirais ça dans 4-5H Stellit – XTL. Stellit to nowa moneta CryptoNote i pierwsza, która integruje IPFS i ZeroNet z blockchain. Omówiliśmy już wystarczająco dużo szczegółów na temat Stellity i jego specyfikacji. biostar tb250 btc pro won t boot I don't find the NVidia any easier to set up or run 10 x EVGA 1070's +2 x 1080 TI between 2 other systems except the fact that AMD 580 need to have Jun 27, 2017 · … Would not run ccminer_cryptonight.exe, Decred, nanashi or neoscrypt on my Windows 7 Computer. Copied g++ gcc 在windows 10,64位环境下编译jni程序运行报错或者无法编译的解决方案 Bonjour à tous Hier j avais une gtx970 avec driver nvidia, aujourd'hui j ai installer un RX480 8giga nitro+ oc avec crimson 16.9.2: Pas de probleme avec un usage normale de windows 7 64 ni avec un programme de minage de coin comme ethminer a du 25Mhz là ccminer-cryptonight.exe (10.17 MB) ccminer-xzc-x64.exe (29.02 MB) EthDcrMiner64.exe (3.78 MB) EthDcrMiner64.exe (3.94 MB) scpz9.exe (4.29 MB) powercore-main-g.exe (628.00 KB) miner.exe (312.50 KB) nbminer-grin29.exe (166.40 MB) lolMiner.exe (4.45 MB) nbminer-rvn.exe (38.40 MB) phoenixminer-eth.exe (7.82 MB) teamredminer.exe (13.92 MB) xmrig.exe Compiled with CUDA 6.0 for compute 2.0/3.0/3.5/5.0, cuda runtime included in the zip.