Cex.main default
cex_main. A numerical value giving the amount by which plotting title should be magnified relative to the default. cex_main_left. see cex_main. cex_main_right. see cex_main. cex_sub. see cex_main. highlight_distinct_edges. logical (default is TRUE). If to highlight distinct edges in each tree (by changing their line types to 2).
The default is "Continuous". levels or levels at which concentration ellipses are plotted; the default is c (.5,.9). cex.main: relative size of the main title, if any. row1attop: If TRUE (the default) the first row is at the top, as in a matrix, as opposed to at the bottom, as in graph (argument suggested by Richard Heiberger). arguments to pass down. cex_main. A numerical value giving the amount by which plotting title should be magnified relative to the default.
cex_main. A numerical value giving the amount by which plotting title should be magnified relative to the default. cex_main_left. see cex_main.
There are also cex arguments for different plot elements: cex.axis, cex.lab, cex.main and cex.sub. Colors. R has 8 default system colors, which can be assigned to a point or line by passing a numeric value of 1:8 to col. However, R has 657 named colors you can call upon by passing the name of the color to col. To see all the names, type colors().
see cex_main. cex_main_right.
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The main parameter is used for a title for the entire drawing and defaults to NULL. By default, each linkage group name is printed above the linkage group. To turn off linkage group names printing use prtlgtitles=FALSE. You can override the linkage group names to be printed by using the lgtitles parameter. mar, oma, mgp, xpd, cex.main: graphics parameters as in par(*), by default adjusted to use smaller than default margins for multivariate x only. verbose: logical. Should R report extra information on progress?
A numerical value giving the amount by which plotting text and symbols should be magnified relative to the default. This starts as 1 when a device is opened tN <- table(sample(letters[1:5],100,replace=T,p=c(0.2,0.1,0.3,0.2,0.2))) op <- par( mfrow=c(1,2)) barplot(tN, col=rainbow(5),cex.axis=0.5) # for cex.lab, determines the size of the text labels on the axes;.
conflev. Numeric value of the confidence level used for confidence limits. The default is 95. cex.main.
tcl – cex.main:&for&@tles&(musthave&amain=“…”)& – cex.axis:&for&axes&(within&the&‘axis’&func@on)& – cex.lab:&for&labels&within&the&‘plot’&family& – Example:& – plot(….&,cex.lab=1.5,cex.main=2,….)& – … optional character string indicating the main title for the plot. The default is empty. cex.main: numeric value indicating character expansion factor to define the font size of the plot title (if provided). plot.unexpl: logical value indicating whether the amount of unexplained variation should be included in the plot. The default is TRUE. numeric specifying the vertical width to be used for the main title; note that this is only used for the default value of oma (s. above).
arguments to pass down. cex_main: A numerical value giving the amount by which plotting title should be magnified relative to the default. cex_main_left: see cex_main. cex_main_right: see cex_main.
You can override the linkage group names to be printed by using the lgtitles parameter. mar, oma, mgp, xpd, cex.main: graphics parameters as in par(*), by default adjusted to use smaller than default margins for multivariate x only. verbose: logical. Should R report extra information on progress? graphics parameters to be passed to the plotting routines. The default uses about a square layout (see n2mfrow such that all plots are on one page. set.lags: positive integer vector allowing to specify the set of lags used; defaults to 1:lags.
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cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, cex.main=1.5, cex.sub=1.5. to your plot, where 1.5 could be 2, 3, etc. and a value of 1 is the default will increase the font size. x <- rnorm(100) cex doesn't change things
A default CEX Configuration Set named “Default” is pre-populated with CEX Parameters for the “RELAY” Application Id ( 0xFFFFFFFF).
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A numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right) which gives the number of lines of margin to be specified on the four sides of the plot. The default is c(0,3,5.1,2). plot.
main: character with a main header title to be done on the top of each page. asp: Aspect ratio to be fixed, see plot.default. font.main, cex.main colors for points and lines; the default is the current color palette, starting at the second entry (see palette and par). pch: plotting characters for points; default is the plotting characters in order (see par). cex, cex.axis, cex.lab, cex.main, cex.sub: set sizes of various graphical elements; (see par). legend.plot Oct 23, 2014 · # # Default plot # plot(0, 0, xlim=c(startYear, endYear), ylim=c(minVal, maxVal), type="n") lifeLines(eapYears) If you use R already, you should recognize the aesthetic of the chart below.